CCTV’s uses & how to get the most of it

How to use a CCTV system
In modern society, from the moment you leave your door in the morning till you return at night, you will be recorded on average 15-55 times per day. As technology becomes much more advanced we will see more uses of CCTV.
CCTV is a fantastic piece of technology on a domestic basis, as well as commercial premises being the biggest benefactor. CCTV allows us to protect our homes, properties, businesses, cars, loved ones; it’s the ultimate in security!
So how can you get the most out of CCTV?
The main draw for using CCTV is to be a omniscient deterrent to potential thieves and troublemakers. The simple knowledge of having CCTV in as a visible presence can be enough to stop people in their tracks.
People are aware they are being recorded/watched and that any actions they undertake could be prosecuted for crimes with incriminating video evidence.
If you are planning on installing CCTV at your home or business, think of the most valuable areas of your property or business – always postion CCTV at these key locations for the best protection.
To ensure you get the best out of your CCTV, Link Alarms would highly recommend the use of high-definition colour cameras. Should your home or business be involved in a criminal incident, a HD colour camera will provide the best quality evidence in a court of law, and prior to any legal proceedings, help the relevant authorities in identify the correct perpetrator. If you are still currently using black and white imagery, do not remove this system unless you intend to upgrade your system to HD colour.
We also recommend that you get your camera system from specialists like Link Alarms. Specialists like ourselves are able to provide the best equipment and provide installation in the optimal positions for your home or business.
We can provide full security audits to ensure each camera installed on your CCTV system is used to its advantage and that your home does not have any camera black spots. By doing this you will ensure your home is covered 24/7, 365 days a year, whether you are at home or not!
Call 0151 423 5154 or enquire online for a quote here!
Filed under: Alarms & CCTV Systems
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